The 22-year-old actor has the face that launched a thousand fawning headlines dubbing him "the Internet's boyfriend" following his starring turn in the popular Netflix's teen rom-com "To All the Boys I've Loved Before." Released on August 17, the movie features Centineo as the charmingly sensitive Peter Kavinsky. It's an understatement to call the movie his breakout moment - his Instagram account added millions of followers in just a few days after the Netflix movie began streaming. Less than a month has passed and the young actor now boasts 8.7 million Instagram followers, and counting!
If you are not one of them, go follow him now, because his insta-stories are LIFE.
We both know that he has an incredible chemistry with his To All the Boys I've Loved Before co-star, Lana Condor. Well, we still can't get over the hot tub scene!
Naps between takes <3
With all the rumours around about him and Lana, they've been really cool about it. They do look good together but there's nothing going on between them two. In fact, Lana has boo'd up!
Sounds like the Florida-born star will be stealing hearts for a while to come. Catch him on Sierra Burgess is a Loser on Netflix. It's out now, babies!
Can't get enough of Noah?
Click the link to check out his photo series with @bryant <--