February is a month full of love! A time for Valentine's Day and remembering love - emphasizing the importance of love in our lives. On this day, entirely dedicated to love, it's important to not only recognize those nearest and dearest to you, but also those who are in need of a little tenderness. 
We proudly present:
This year, we got the chance to spend the time & held a two days sample sale. We're giving back a portion of sales for charity! We picked our favourite place, @cabinabali and transformed their Cabin (on the 2nd floor) into a one stop shop! As you can see, it really is hard to leave the shop on the last day when it looks like this -- It looks so pretty!!



We chose an all girls orphanage, Panti Asuhan Tat Twam Asi to give back to. We realized that this is the year for girls! No matter their background, all girls have the power to transform themselves, their communities & the world around them and we would like to support!
Because really, all girls deserve to be loved. 
We have received an honest amount of generosity, support & contribution from friends & family around us. Nothing is too little, we have enough to give & at the end we have turned it into a few boxes of chocolates, toiletteries and books (inspiring autobiography & novels)! Shopping day was the fun part! 

What a great opportunity for us to give back and share some laugh & we are forever grateful for those who has contributed, offline & online! x

We would love to send a massive THANK YOU to our sponsors:
Cabina Bali (@cabinabali) for the beautiful space & hospitality! 
Hard Rock FM Bali (hardrockfm_bali) for the plug! 
Bali Art Rentals (@baliartrentals) for an awesome shop displays! 
Grace Rose & Ardelia Johan (@gracerose_bali & @ardeliajohan) for keeping the shop pretty with the gorgeous flower decorations! 




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